Access Consciousness Bars: in silence – for adults



Duration: 45 Minutes | Format: EN-PT- CZ (don’t need to talk) – In-Person | Location: Prague, Czech Republic


Description: Access Consciousness Bars (for adults)  is a body therapy involving the mapping of 32 energetic points on the head, linked to various aspects of life such as awareness, control, creativity, and healing. The technique releases limiting beliefs and patterns, opening up new possibilities. 


How It Works: The session involves gentle touch on the client’s head, hands, and feet, who remains lying down, conscious, and clothed. Energy flows freely, and the therapist touches specific points on the skull, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 



  1. – Reduces stress and anxiety 
  2. – Facilitates the release of limiting beliefs 
  3. – Increases mental clarity and creativity 
  4. – Improves sleep quality 
  5. – Promotes overall well-being and balance 
  6. – Helps with emotional issues and blockages 
  7. – Opens the way for new opportunities 


Religion: Not tied to any specific religion but requires openness to new possibilities. 


Number of Sessions: Results can be perceived after one session, but generally, 4 sessions are needed for significant effects. 


Price: Single session – €60. Monthly package with 4 sessions – €200. 





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Table Price: click here




Como uma das principais referências no Brasil em terapias integrativas, minha missão é guiá-lo em sua jornada de cura e autoconhecimento. Se você está pronto para transformar sua vida e seus relacionamentos, reserve sua sessão hoje mesmo.

Jordane Marques

Especialista em Terapias Integrativas







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